5 Things To Expect During Your First Sober Family Holiday

5 Things To Expect During Your First Sober Family Holiday

The first year of sobriety can be an emotional rollercoaster. It may feel especially difficult to stay sober during the holidays. For most people, balancing holiday events, family gatherings, and many responsibilities, along with added financial pressure can make it...
Why Is Alcohol Addictive for Some People and Not Others?

Why Is Alcohol Addictive for Some People and Not Others?

Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction are common in the United States. Nearly 6% of American adults and 2% of American adolescents suffer from an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol abuse claims an estimated 88,000 American lives annually. In 2010, it cost the nation $249...
What to Expect at Residential Treatment Facilities

What to Expect at Residential Treatment Facilities

Making the decision to look into residential treatment facilities can open a pathway to long term recovery. Whether you’re struggling with a mental illness like depression or anxiety, you’re struggling with an addiction, or both, checking into an inpatient facility...
5 Relapse Prevention Activities to Keep You in Sober Living

5 Relapse Prevention Activities to Keep You in Sober Living

The road to recovery is a road without an end. It’s an ever-changing destination, and getting there may get a little easier over time, but there will always be new twists and turns in your journey. The key is to consistently stay engaged in relapse prevention...
The Most Important Coping Skills In Recovery

The Most Important Coping Skills In Recovery

Although many people who suffer from addiction find a way to sobriety, relapse is surprisingly common. In fact, among patients who have entered addiction recovery, 40-60% experience a relapse. While relapsing is not unexpected, it can sometimes come with dangerous...
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